
Friday, July 26, 2013

Pinterest Overload!

It's the LAST Friday in July - I can hardly believe it! Where did July go?!
This week has once again been a busy one... car in the shop, school prepping, {still} unpacking, & repacking to head home for my little cousin's wedding this weekend!

However, I have been able to carve out plenty of Pinterest time in my busy schedule. (All while watching my Pittsburgh Pirates keep rocking and rolling - raise it {the jolly roger, that is}!)

Anywhoooo these were my favorite pins this week:

Healthy Candy Bar Shake: Peanut Butter Twix Bar ...only 165 calories .. Can I please have this on my liquid diet ?!
A {healthy} Twix shake?! With peanut butter?!?! But the link takes me NO WHERE! :(
Does anyone have the recipe for this? Help, please!

totally toned arms.
After I finally figure out that Twix shake, I'll need these arm exercises.  Especially since I've got an amazing strapless dress to sport down the aisle in, uh, 4 months!

NO! You're too fat!
This CRACKS ME UP! It's exactly how my poor fiance probably feels every evening when I smoosh my way onto the couch.  {I'm the annoying black cat, of course. And side note *the fiance does not call me fat, thank goodness.}

No Regrets.
And finally... This fits me perfectly right now with my many life changes happening simultaneously.
No regrets though!

Have a sunny, sprinkle-y weekend!


  1. At least one PA baseball team has their act together. Watching the Phillies has been painful lately!

    & in response to your comment on my blog, I teach in Kent County. Email me and I can tell you where. =)

    Third Grade in the First State

  2. Hi! I nominated you for a LIebster Award. Head over to my blog for the details.
    The Traveling Teacher
